587 people visited the 2024 art show!
The exhibit at the Field Memorial Library was open on Festival Day, Sunday, October 6, 2024from 9 am to 4 pm. 587 visitors strolled through the library-turned-gallery.. 26 talented Conway artists exhibited their artworks.
Join us in 2025 for another fabulous exhibit. The art exhibit showcases the work of artists who reside in or have a studio in Conway, working in any media or style,. All Conway artists are enthusiastically invited to show up to five artworks in this wonderful event that draws hundreds of visitors.
2024 Participating Artists
Phyllis Jeswald
Pixie Holbrook
Elizabeth Morin
Lucinda Cathcart
Grace Larson
Linda McDaniel
Ellen Coss Kennedy
Risa Sudolsky
Bob Compton
Julia Washburn
Dyna Allis
Thad Danielson
Alyssa Yeadon
Will Cote
Ame Blythe
Debra Hoyle
Dorothy Masterson
Thomas Redlinger
Cassandra Cathcart
Shirah Cote
Aimee Anderson
Melissa Menard
Katrina Ruby
Jack Harrison
Jim Moore
Call for Artists
Whether you are an established professional or an artist who has created only a few experiments, we hope to include your artwork in the show! There is no fee charged to exhibit, but exhibitors are asked to volunteer with setup, take-down or gallery sitting.
Questions? Email conwayfestivalarts@gmail.com.